“There is a revelation which God has been giving me, I thought it is a symbolic spiritual meaning, but I didn’t get any interpretation, so I will speak the thing which I have been seeing as it is.” Pastor Ian Ndlovu of Divine Kingdom Baptist Ministries noted in video published on YouTube on March 27,2019
He continues, ” The Holy Spirit says its a sign, a sign of what? I dont know”
” I have been seeing when I am praying a cloud of locusts, you know locusts?” He poses to the congregation in his Zimbabwean Church

” Locusts, they are insects , a cloud of locusts which will be everywhere, locusts which you cannot control. Even if you like locusts, I think people will be discouraged from eating those locusts. Because by the time they arrive here , they will definitely spread. They will come from other countries “
He asserts, that ” there are locusts which are coming , say ‘ alot of locusts’, I know when you speak things like this, people will think you are crazy sometimes, Hallelujah”
“Locusts which can cause the sun to be dark”

And true to his prophecy, swams of locusts invaded Kenya from Ethiopia/Somali lands in January 2020, approximately 10 months after he prophesied. Todate, more than 9 counties in the republic of Kenya have been invaded by millions of locusts, the worst in 70 years of history. They have been moving in swams of nearly 80 million each, traveling distances of up to 150km per day.
According to Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO:
” The current situation remains extremely alarming in three main areas”
- Horn of Africa ( includes Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia)
- Both sides of the Red Sea (Sudan/Egypt border, Sudan/ Eritrea, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Indo- Pakistan areas)
- Southwest Asia, in the southern coast of Iran
Before we published this prophecy on GLOFIRE, we did indeed establish that the prophecy was published on YouTube on March 27, 2019 , something which cannot be edited in any way. You can also see comments on the video dating as far back as March 2019.
Watch the VOA report on Locusts Invasion in Kenya
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