About two months ago, everything in the world was going on normally. Everyone was going about their lives in ‘normal’ way. But that has since changed for worse. It is like, this is not the world we knew before. What started as an isolated disease breakdown in China, slowly started spreading to other countries in the world, morphing into a global pandemic. This has necessitated a raft of measures by different countries to tame the spread of Covid-19. Governments are taking nothing to chance, they are closing down borders, grounding airlines, instituting forced quarantines, shutting down industries, and even in extreme cases, introducing curfews. No one knew that the world could shut down so fast. Its no longer business as usual.
But Christians need to be wary of these measures to curb the spread of Covid-19. There is more than meets the eye. Everything is setting the stage for THE REIGN OF THE ANTICHRIST, who according to the Bible MAJORITY will follow him. It’s commonplace to hear that carrying physical currency predisposes one to infection, and we are being encouraged to use ‘digital money’ or ‘ currency’ to fulfil the purchases. Is this not a clandestine approach to mob up physical currency from the economies and slowly but surely entrench the use of plastic money?
Essentially, there will be less and less physical currency, in the coming weeks and months, and by the time the dust settles on Covid-19 ( if it ever happens), we could be totally reliant on digital currency. The digital currency will give the antichrist the much-needed launching pad to control money at our disposal. It will be so hard to not accept his mark because that will mean no food for you and your family, no water, no electricity, even if you have a car you won’t be able to buy gas, you won’t be able to buy endurance and any other requirements. Do not forget that that as the economies shut down, people will soon spend their last pennies, and increasingly rely on governments for basic stuff such as food. It has already started happening: several countries have already started introducing economic stimulus to cushion their citizens from the vulgarities of Covid-19. And that is just the beginning!
Today, you have access to the internet,but a time is coming when you won’t be able to even browse because you can’t pay for internet without the mark. You won’t make phone calls because you may not be able to buy phone credit without the mark. You won’t buy a bottle of water without the mark. And if you think resisting the mark of the beast, will work,it will not be as easy as we think. Even when you are terribly sick, you will not be able to go to the hospital or even just to buy pain killers from a drug store! You will have literally nothing!
The coronavirus pandemic is preparing us for this time which is EXTREMELY CLOSE EVEN AT THE DOOR. This is a gentle reminder, that the times have changed, and scripture is fulfilled right in our eyes.
We should brace for even harder times. T he love of many will wax cold.
Even your own brother or sister will betray you and tell the government where you are hiding.
No one will be willing to take the mark for you!
No one will be willing to get the mark then share the food they buy with you!
Love is from God, and people’s love will wax cold.
They will want you to also to get the mark if you are to eat.
Right now, the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic are setting stage for a one-world currency as a solution.Its setting stage for a CASHLESS society where you don’t have to use physical notes but just a microchip.
My friend Merlosanna Anna had a dream in which they were reading the news on TV and they were saying everyone has to get the chip.
That for the first three months, it would be optional whether to get the chip or not and after three months it would be mandatory, everyone would have to be chipped.
God also showed her a vision of guillotines and told her that Christians need to prepare because persecution is coming.
We truly need to wake up from the slumber of following fashion and worldly entertainment luring us to sleep in these last days.
We need to wake up from the lies of false prophets preaching peace and prosperity to us when in fact terrible times are right in front of us.
Persecution is coming for Christians and Jesus said,” if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would be saved,”
But He says for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
Read Matthew 24:15-28
Be prepared and let your lamps be filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit, not fear.
Be bold because a time of martyrdom for Christians is coming!
Very soon a time is coming when no one will be able to cross over.
Those who are holy will remain holy,those who are unholy will remain unholy.
Prepare by washing your robes in the blood of Jesus.
Do not be blind,be watchful, the time of our redemption draws near.
#Covid-19, #Coronavirus, #GLOFIRE_REVIVAL
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