As i prayed with my sister Zipporah, satan kept attacking us and doing everything possible to distract us.
He would do all sorts of things just to distract us and we could see him with our spiritual eyes.
He would go around the house,come into the house and divide himself such that he looked like four 'people', then change into a little girl of about 10,then change into a small dog……
He just kept doing weird things and wanted to take our attention from our prayer,but we rebuked him.
When he was gone,I saw a vision where the Lord Jesus Christ told me,"When one child of God prays,that prayer is very powerful. But when children of God meet and pray as a group,(i.e 2 or more) that prayer is even more powerful and satan really hates such prayer.He hates group prayer and does everything to destroy its effect.He can cause distractions and sometimes he causes divisions and resentments just to destroy prayer groups.He will make the members have disagreements with each other or to resent each other for certain reasons but all he wants is for them to stop praying together because he knows the impact of prayer prayed in unity."
Matthew 18:20
Personal prayer is very important in growing our relationship with Jesus.
Group prayer cannot replace personal prayer as personal prayer is the time for personal intimacy with Jesus.
What the Lord was talking about is that we must not take times of group prayer lightly and allow satan to divide us,there's power in unity.
Let's not allow arguments disagreements or resentments as they are all tools of satan meant to destroy our group prayer.
The Lord also showed me another vision.
I saw a tree with green leaves.
Suddenly a strong wind blew,bending the tree over.
It was so powerful such that I thought it could break the tree.
The Lord Jesus told me,"this is the intensity with which satan is fighting brotherly love in my church.he is fighting to completely erase it from my church just like the wind you saw which was so intense it almost broke the tree.
But I want brotherly love in my church.
I want my children to show kindness to one another and to love one another."
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