By Rachael and Zipporah Mushala,
Zipporah and I were praying this evening. Then when we were praying,The Lord Jesus Christ came. There were countless angels in the room, including angel Michael and Gabriel and some other angels whose names we don’t know. The angels began to part, giving way to the King of glory as He approached.
The Lord Jesus Christ was very sad, He was crying. He showed Zipporah what happened in heaven two days ago. God gave a command to an angel to blow the last trumpet. When the angel was about to blow it, Jesus looked at the earth, He saw fornication, adultery, wickedness, people not even paying attention to God. When Jesus saw that, He rushed to the feet of the Father, fell down and began weeping, pleading for more time.
He said, “they are not ready.” Jesus was weeping so much. The Father was so pitiful on the world, but He said time is up, He is fed up of postponing. Then He said to the angel, “Halt!” The angel didn’t blow the trumpet but remained at the same position. Jesus then said the rapture was supposed to happen two days ago (Tuesday). Jesus was weeping, He was saying, “what kind of hearts are these? iron hearts?”
He said if He had come two days ago, many people would have been left behind, including some of our family. Jesus said today would have been a day in the great tribulation if He had not begged the Father. He was weeping so much. Jesus was looking at the whole earth, I could see the whole earth and Jesus was looking at it weeping. He said, “Oh My children, come to Me now, the tribulation will be so horrible. Come to Me now.”
“I promised not to leave or forsake you but why have you left me?”
He said,
“My heart grieves because My children have forsaken Me.”
Then Jesus showed us a woman, painted, with fake eye lashes, painted eye lids, etc. She was in midair, sitting. Jesus said she is an evil spirit, the queen of the coast and has captured many men of God. He said she has exalted herself above anything called holy. She held an invisible net and used it to trap preachers who fell into her trap. Jesus said she has done this to many men of God through their wives and they began to compromise.
1 Comment
Oh Lord have mercy on us forgive our iniquities so we do not perish in agony ..instill your holyspirit in us
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