As I prayed, I saw the Lord dispatching Angels of anointing to the earth. The Lord said that there is no limit to the amount of anointing someone can have! It is all dependent on your prayer life. I saw two Angels of anointing in particular and they looked anointed themselves!They were radiating glory and the oil of anointing was glowing on their countenances . This is anointing in every area of life from healing to other spiritual gifts.
The Lord said that he wants his children to experience a great move of the Holy Spirit in this hour. He said he is bringing back a revival like on the day of Pentecost according to Acts chapter 2.All we have to do is seek him.
The Lord showed me a Christian seeking the Lord in fasting and prayer. Then I saw 2 Angels of anointing come to that person. One of the Angels poured a bottle of oil on that Christian’s head. The oil stands for anointing. The other Angel kept giving him the bottles and the bottles kept appearing out of nowhere into the Angels hand and never finished! The Lord told me that they kept appearing out of nowhere because they are from him.
A person’s prayer life is the one which determines whether the Angels receiving the bottles and keep pouring the oil of anointing. The more sacrifice a person makes in seeking God like fastings or praying all night,the more the oil of anointing is poured into that person’s life. The bible does say that signs shall follow those that believe according to Mark 16:17.
The Lord wants us to evangelise and preach to the world with signs following us to prove that we are really from him. He wants to equip his children with great spiritual gifts.
As Christians,we should not be stuck on the same Spiritual level but we should grow. If you want to be part of the great revival,then its time to start seeking God like never before. Intensity your prayer life and know the Holy Spirit as your personal friend.
The Lord said to me “Many people on this earth limit themselves. They think that there is a level when the anointing ends. Go and tell them that deciding where the anointing ends is up to them. I have already said in my word that they shall do greater works. If they do not know,they can be greater than even the Prophets in the bible. Who said they can not?Tell them that I have risen from the dead(Ephesians 4:8, When he ASCENDED on high,he led captivity captive and GAVE GIFTS TO MEN) and all power in heaven and on earth is mine. Now they should be able to do explosive works for with God,all things are possible. The carnal mind thinks that only some things are possible but if they pray they will become spiritual. Then they will understand that I am the God who has no beginning and no End. I AM the Lord.”
The Love of God
Ephesians 3:17-19 “That Christ may dwell in your hearts and you,being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend,with all the saints just how wide and how high and how deep his love is for us. That you may know the Love of Christ which surpasses all understanding and be filled with all the fullness of God. ”
The Lord showed me a vision of how much he loves all of us individually. He loves each of us individually so so much and we should never believe the lies of the devil to discourage us.
The Lord showed me his love. I saw a person standing outside in an open space. I saw the buildings disappear,I saw the people disappear,I saw the cars disappear and the houses disappear. That person remained standing alone in that wide open space.
Then I looked up and I saw the whole of heaven being emptied of its creation and they just disappeared so that there was nothing existing but that person in all of creation. I saw an opening in the sky and the Lord started talking to that person from the opening. Then the Lord said, “Look,that is how much I love each of you. I love each of you like you are the only thing in existence. I love each of you that much, like you are the only creation that exists .” The Lord is able to love each of us like that individually without depriving another person of the same kind of love! He is God.I was amazed when I saw this and I fell to my knees crying. He loves you with a love that can not be spoken,like there is nothing in heaven and earth and it is only you and him in existence.
Be still and know that I am God-Yeshua
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