Just a few days ago the Lord told my husband that the rapture is very late,there's no more time.
In short,the rapture should have already happened by now,but God has shown a lot of patience because He wants us all to turn to Him and repent so that we will be saved.
God is so patient and is never in haste to pour out His anger.
He is rich in love and slow to anger.
The Lord Jesus Christ has been showing me how desperate Satan is to get every single soul in hell.
But the Lord also reminded me that He,Jesus Christ is able to keep us from falling.
And He is able to present us before the Father pure and blameless, without spot or wrinkle.Yes,Jesus Christ ALONE is able.
Its not by might nor by power,but by my Spirit says the Lord.
We need to pray without ceasing.
Even if you feel lazy to pray,remember that there are no two ways about it,you HAVE to pray.
The time of reaping is approaching,whatever you are sowing now, whether a close relationship with God or prayerlessness,know that the harvest is approaching.
Be encouraged because it is the Father's will and joy to give us the kingdom.
We are not forcing ourselves on God, no.
He greatly desires us and so much wants to give us eternal life.
But He's given us free will to accept or reject this prescious gift.
The Lord Jesus Christ has been showing me a lot of how satan and his kingdom are working so hard to block as many people as possible from entering heaven but Satan has already been defeated by Jesus Christ.
Yes,Satan will try with all his might to block you,but you must resist the devil and he will flee from you.
You have to be strong and take the kingdom of God by force.
The bible says from the days of John the baptist,till now the kingdom of God has suffered violence and the violent shall take it by force.(Matthew 11:12)
The devil has been attacking Gods children violently in order to stop them from entering heaven, but we too must be violent and take the kingdom by force.
We must be violent by praying nor matter the discouragement, fasting,reading the bible,and obeying God nor matter what it costs us.
That's the only way.
We have to violently oppose satan,to push him out of our way and take the kingdom by force.
It means crucifying the flesh,opposing the will of the flesh.
Praying even when you are feeling lazy,fasting even when you feel so hungry,seeking God even when He seems silent.
We must persevere till we get the crown of life.
We must all pass through the fire,the only difference is the kind of fire we pass through.
There's a time of testing,but we must be faithful to God even through the fire,for God is faithful and there's a time of uplifting if we remain faithful.
we must violently fight the enemy till we gain the crown of life.
Jesus Christ greatly loves us all.Let's seek Him with all we have.
And let go of all manner of sin
These past days,the Lord Jesus Christ has been talking about the rapture.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— June 2, 2017
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