Since I started talking about the existence of the nephilim back in 2013 till date,I always get this group of critics who tell me not to talk about them because “it will cause division,lack of love,suspicion etc.”
I have had so many write to me saying they think I shouldn’t be talking about the nephilim.
So,I have never addressed this but today I want to tell you what the Holy Spirit told me.
I do understand that some people tell me this not because they want to criticize but because they are ignorant about some spiritual things.
Firstly, the Lord knew what He was doing when He exposed the existence of the nephilim! If He knew that wouldn’t be for the benefit of His children, then He wouldn’t even have told us about them and began to show us about them in so much detail.
Secondly,you must know that satan thrives in ignorance,that is why he hates the light and loves the darkness.He hates to be exposed.If it were up to him,he would rather all humans believe that he doesn’t even exist because that puts him at an advantage!
He hates it when his schemes are exposed and will lie to you so cunningly,”there’s no need for you to know all this information,it will just bring confusion,it will take away love.”You don’t know yet how cunning satan is!He can actually seem like the light and win you over with his lies!
But beware!He wants you to close your eyes to what is real and it’s not going to stop the nephilim from working,but it will help them work better because you have closed your eyes,deceiving yourself that the enemy isn’t among you,yet he is,and he will surely strike!
God doesn’t delight in a false unity of believers closing their eyes and pretending the enemy doesn’t exist!That isn’t God’s nature.
In scripture,over and over,God warns because He doesn’t want His children to be caught unaware!
He doesn’t want His children pretending the enemy doesn’t exist,all in the name of a false unity.
The only unity God wants is unity based on the light,on what is true,on what is righteous,not something fake.
Anyone who has followed me closely when I talk about the nephilim knows that I always say there’s no physical way to tell,unless God tells you so ask for discernment on everything and everyone,don’t just follow people just because they seem like a good christian.
God Himself already cautions us to be discerning, and not just believe everything and everyone.
God tells us not to believe everything but instead test the spirit to see if it’s really of God.(1 John.4)Why wasn’t God worried that that would make people suspicious?
God would rather we know the truth and tread with caution,relying on His Spirit than to close our eyes to the truth and be outsmarted by the enemy.
Even Jesus cautioned us saying, be wise as serpents.
Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
God always wants His children to know the truth so that they will not be outsmarted.
Satan is the one who wants to give people a false security, making them believe everything is okay, when it’s not.
The bible even says we must expose the works of darkness.
Ephesians 5:11,” And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather EXPOSE THEM.”
It isn’t God’s will to hide the truth from His children, making them vulnerable to deception.
He would rather you know the truth even if it may be painful, that way you will be better armed.
Lastly,by talking about the nephilim, am doing my work. I would be disobedient to Jesus if I didn’t expose satan.
The Lord not only wants me to share messages of salvation, apart from that Jesus told me He wants me to expose satan’s schemes.
Jesus told me this personally many years ago,and even continued to emphasize to me that I must do it.
Like one day in 2015,I met this Pastor for the first time and he gave me this message which God had given Him for me.I know him now.He didn’t know me neither did I know Him and God showed Him this when he just saw me and was walking towards me.He does have a prophetic gift and is someone I know now and someone I know hears from GOD,but I didn’t know him at this time.
None of this was new to me because Jesus had already told me but He was telling me again through someone so that I know it’s important for me to do this work too!
This is the message,” You will see angels and they will deliver messages to you and you will interact with them in a way that’s so real that it will be hard for people to believe. God will reveal mysteries to you,things not easy to understand. I saw a scroll that required a key to unlock.The things God will reveal to you will not be easy to understand.
You will be an alarm for the church on the plans of darkness so that they know how to pray.There is no plan of darkness that the Lord will not reveal to you.”
Over and over Jesus has told I need to expose the nephilim,so I will continue to do that.
It’s important to Jesus for me to expose the darkness.
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