By Rachael Mushala,
The Lord showed me all this at 3 am morning on Friday 03, April 2015. It’s about the Last pope before the tribulation. The Full names of the current pope are Jose Mario Bergoglio. Then in the 15th century, a certain Prophet St Malachy had a vision of all the 112 popes before the tribulation and they were all accurate. Even up to Benedict who was the 111th Pope. Then St. Malachy prophesied that the Last Pope will be called St Peter the Roman “ Petrus Romanas”. Let me explain how Pope Francis is St Peter the Roman.
His real names are Jose Mario Bergoglio. Mario is the name of a river in Rome. Then Berg means Rock (and we all know that Peter means rock). Both of his parents are from Italy, the Capital city of Rome and so he is Roman. Then he named himself Francis after a certain Pope whose full names were Francis PETER of Asissi also called Peadro in Spanish meaning “Peter”
.Therefore, Pope Francis Is St Peter the Roman. The last Pope before the tribulation!!.
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