Last night before I slept,the Lord started reminding me of the things he had shown my sister in hell, the people in there and why they were there. When I remembered that,I cried and my heart my was filled with a terrible sorrow. Please don’t ever be one of those voices crying out in hell.And may I never be too in the name of Jesus.
The first time Rachael and I experienced hell was in 17th September 2011 at around 11 Pm at night. There were a number of people we had invited for prayers at home. Rachael and I were praying next to each other on our knees. All we heard was a loud bang and then millions and millions of agonized screams. That day,each and every person who was in that room heard those screams.There was also a very very big wind crackling the fire in hell.
Everyone heard that wind and the people in the room said the minute there was a big bang,a bright light descended where Rachael and I were kneeling.But Rachael and I only heard the bang and the voices. Hell was a very gigantic place and even as you are there,you can feel that it is a terribly huge place.Then,hell was deep as if its a ditch full of millions of flames.
It is the Lord’s plea that no one should go to hell. We have seen hell many many times but am going to talk about that particular time and am going to be straight to the point so that no one finds themselves in that place.
I saw women,multitudes crying in the flames. Some had used skin lightening creams and they were burning for that. They had artificial hair on their heads and in hell, this hair turned into snakes that were tormenting them.
Demons had put evil things in their clothes and other things which they used but because they did not pray for their property,this evil worked and led them away from God. These women used to listen to secular music.I saw the life of one of the women there.She used to listen to secular music but through that music,they cast spirits of adultery at her and she slept with people’s husbands.
These women were wailing and running about with their arms lifted high. Then Rachael and I saw a white man in his twenties. He was compeletly naked in hell and he had worms all over him.He was holding his waist with both arms and screaming “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” on top of his voice.Seeing all this really made us scared.Then we saw another man.He was Chinese and screaming in Chinese.It looked like he had just landed in hell because he still had all his clothes on including a watch and shoes.There were snakes all around his neck and he was struggling to pull them off with his hands but he could not.He was in terrible torment.
We also saw another woman being chased by a demon in hell and she was running away with all her might in the flames but the demon was right behind her. I am going to state clearly all the things that take people to hell.Using makeup, artificial hair, women wearing trousers, watching ALL kinds of secular Tv including Cartoons,listening to ALL kinds of secular music,listening to Christian music which has worldly beats e.g Raggae, Rap etc.,bowing down to idols e.g Mary, lack of evangelism, masturbating, lying, gossiping, cheating, even in Exams ,taking the Lords name in vain, drinking beer, stealing, even stealing a pencil for no unclean thing will enter heaven, dirty jokes, sexual immorality, even in thoughts. Wearing clothes that expose indecent body parts, making cleavages, sagging, making shades in the head for me (worldly hairstyles), unforgiveness ,pride,strife..the list goes on.
I am going to state clearly all the things that take people to hell.Using makeup,artificial hair,women wearing trousers,watching ALL kinds of secular Tv including Cartoons,listening to ALL kinds of secular music,listening to Christian music which has worldly beats e.g Raggae,Rap etc.,bowing down to idols e.g Mary, lack of evangelism,masturbating,lying,gossiping,cheating, even in Exam a,taking the Lords name in vain,drinking beer,stealing,even stealing a pencil for no unclean thing will enter heaven,dirty jokes,sexual immorality,even in thoughts.Wearing clothes that expose indecent body parts,making cleavages,sagging,making shades in the head for me (worldly hairstyles), unforgiveness,pride,strife..the list goes on.
What we need to do is ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and to ask the Lord to help us live a Holy life before him.
James 2:26 “For Faith without works is dead” Hell exists whether one decides to believe in it or not.I plead with you in the name of Jesus Christ,let us seek to please no man. The things I have written are what the Lord instructed me to and I have written with pure love that you may escape hell.Anyone who tells you otherwise is the enemy of your soul.
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